The Blessings of The Temple

Temples are an essential and important part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we read the Bible, we learn that temples were built from the beginning of time. This sacred building was built and consecrated for a higher and holier purpose: to bring offerings to God and worship Him. Because the Temple is called the House of the Lord, in them we can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit more abundantly, and of course, this building is the most sacred on Earth.

The temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are a blessing to all the members around the world. They are built around the world so that anyone can have access to the blessings that are found in there. Temples are announced in the General Conference of the church by the Prophet himself. Then, after careful planning and numerous prayers for inspiration, the temple is built in the selected location. In a temple ground usually we have a church meeting house, an accommodation center, and a visitor center. Only the best and finest materials are used to build this sacred building. The interior and exterior of a temple is an expression the beauty and glory of God.

Rome Italy Temple

Once the Temple is constructed, then the public is invited to visit the temple and observe the beautify and learn of the significance thereof. This is the only time for everyone to visit the temple from inside before its dedicated from a prophet of the Lord. A ceremony takes place in which the prophet lays some cement on the cornerstone of the temple and offers a dedicatory prayer. We believe from the moment a temple is dedicated, the temple is a House of the Lord and its consecrated only for its purpose: to worship and perform sacred ordinances for the salvation for the living and the dead. The worthy and prepared members of the church, holding an active recommend, can then enter the temple.

“The all-important and crowning blessings of membership in the Church are those blessings which we receive in the temples of God.”

The Holy Temple—a Beacon to the World
President Thomas S. Monson
Me and my wife, Rebekah.
Paris France Temple.

One of the most important things we do in the temple is baptism for the dead. We perform proxy baptism for our dead ancestors who never received the opportunity to learn or accept the gospel of Jesus Christ while on this Earth. I personally have performed baptisms for my ancestors. It was like I was being baptized again, but this time I was doing it for them. The truth is that while I was being baptized for them, I felt their presence in the room. I couldn’t see or hear them, however, I definitely know they were looking and were listening the ordinance of their baptism being performed. The sweet peace and joy filled my heart testifying that they were happy I was doing that for them.

In the temple, we receive spiritual guidance and instruction to helps us serve each-other and God. Another blessing we receive in our temples is the ordinance of sealing husband and wife in an eternal matrimony. Families are important to our Heavenly Father and the temple makes it possible for our families to be sealed for a time and all eternity.

My first time I attended the temple was in January 2014, while preparing to enter my full-time missionary service. I entered the Preston England Temple and received my endowment, which literally means a gift from above. This gift has since blessed my life tremendously. I have never felt the presence of God more nearer to me, and this was a chance for me to commit to draw nearer unto Him. The temple left a spiritual impact and a huge significance to me that made me want to go back. The next time I visited the temple was nearly three years later when I decided to get married in the Paris France Temple on September 2nd, 2017. I was amazed by the beautiful and sacred ceremony that made marriage and family more significant to me. One of the most beautiful things that I witness was to stand with my bride before a mirror and gaze the eternal reflection of ourselves. This reminded me that I can be with my wife forever, along with my family from the beginning of time till eternity.

Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings.

The Holy Temple—a Beacon to the World
President Thomas S. Monson
Albanian YSA at the Rome Italy Temple.

Temples have become an important part of my life. Whenever I hear a temple is announced around the world I feel so excited. When I travel around the world, the first thing I do is a google search regarding the location of the temple in that area. I have a massive adoration and strong testimony of the temples. They are the only place where I feel closer to God and whenever I visit the temple I feel the Holy Spirit like never before. In addition, I am overjoyed when I see others loving the temple the way I do, by choosing to sacrifice to attend the temple despite distance and cost. I am so happy to see that young single adults from our church chose to go to the temple and perform sacred ordinances there for their families. Their journey included a trip of 10-11 hours on a ship through a harsh rough sea, and a 5 hours bus journey to then finally arrive at Rome Temple. Even though they experience a difficult and exhausting journey their comments on the experience at the temple amazes me. Here are some of those comments from the Albanian YSA attending the temple this weekend:

“I really liked the baptism for the dead. The peace and tranquility, it’s for sure the work of the Lord”,

“We went to Rome city, but the temple was amazing!”, 

“I enjoyed being here. It’s truly a miracle”.

Comments from Albanian YSA in the Rome Temple Trip.
Paris France Temple.

This decision will bless their lives, and if they continue to attend the temple worthily and regularly, they will be blessings so many others. I can testify of the blessings I have received from attending the temple in the last five years of my life. The peace, the joy, the Holy Spirit and the presence of my accentors have been the greatest blessing while attending the temples. My eternal marriage with my beautiful wife is going to be the greatest memory that I will cherish from the temple. My endowment is one of the greatest spiritual experiences that have impacted my heart and my soul. One of my greatest desires is that I will continue to make the temple the center of my life. Because the Temple is the House of the Lord and frankly, there is no other place on Earth I would rather go. The blessings of the temple are available to everyone!

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