The Law of Tithing

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint is growing rapidly. How is this possible? As I grow up in the church, I saw how the church moved forward by sending full-time missionaries throughout the world and spreading the gospel to the four corners of this earth. Now the church has grown a lot and is moving forward with building new temples in every continent, opening new church buildings, releasing manuals and new Hymnbooks, etc. It is clear the question might be, how can the church afford all of this? The answer is found in learning the law of tithing.

This is yet another great principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ where it teaches us about devotion and sacrifice. Tithing is the donation of the ten percent of our increase. The money goes inside and sealed on an envelope and is handled to the bishop/president of a ward/branch. How is Tithing money used?

Personally, I never had a problem paying my tithing. I knew from the moment I received a testimony of it that this is truly a commandment of the Lord and obeying it will bless my life forever. Every time I receive my salary, the first thing I would think was tithing. If I were to receive 500$ of income, I would have to give 50$ of tithing. Anything more would be generous but anything less is dishonest. The Lord requires only ten percent of the 100 percent blessing he has already given us. When we pay our tithing, we show gratitude for everything that we have. However hard it might be, paying the tithing will secure us more blessings, either temporal or spiritual, than any other commandment. It’s not a surprise why this commandment was introduced since the beginning of time.

In “Preach My Gospel,” the study guide given and used by missionaries, it says on page 78, “Tithing funds are used to support the ongoing activities of the Church, such as building and maintaining temples and meetinghouses, carrying the gospel to all the world, conducting temple and family history work, and many other worldwide activities. Tithing does not pay local Church leaders, who serve without receiving payment of any kind. Local Church leaders send the tithing received each week directly to Church headquarters. A council comprised of the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, and the Presiding Bishopric determine specific ways to use the sacred tithing funds.”

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Malachi 3:10 Old Testament, THE BIBLE KJV

Abraham was a great example of paying an honest and full tithe to God. He was blessed tremendously for his obedience and sacrifices. No matter how much he had, he always obeyed this law because he knew that it was the Lords. If we obey the law of tithing we are promised blessings from heaven and answers to our prayers. More importantly, we will feel God love for us and certainly, the Lord will feel our love for HIm.

The contrary is true also. Disobeying this law can stop us from progressing and will deprive us of His blessings. You see, paying the tithing is not merely a kind gesture we impose to God. Rather God has blessed us so very much with everything we have. The truth is that everything we have is not ours, but its Gods. We are given this blessing graciously because Heavenly Father loves us. And if we don’t show gratitude by paying ten percent of what we receive from Him, we are stealing from God.

  “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.” 

Malachi 3:8 Old Testament, THE BIBLE KJV

Paying our tithes means giving to the Lord the tenth of everything we receive. In return, we will receive blessings that are far greater than money. I remember when I was struggling to pay to tithe for the first time in my life. I was living and working on my own, and I had to pay a lot of bills with little money I had received that month. I made the decision to pay a full and honest tithing, but I was scared that I couldn’t afford to pay for my bills. I struggled but soon enough my next salary came and I received an increase. That was a sign for me that God was taking care of me. Since then, I developed a stronger testimony and a deeper commitment to honor this law of tithing. God kept His promise to me.

I know that by trying to keep this commandment the Lord will bless us more than we can think. Tithing is a way to express gratitude and receive blessings. Although many of the blessings will not come whenever we desire them, I know that the Lord will never forget. He will always remember your tithe. Heavenly Father will reward you for sacrificing only 10 percent for Him when He has already sacrificed over 100 percent for you.

What a better way to serve God and help build His kingdom on Earth than by paying our tithing. If it wasn’t for the faith and devotion of faithful members, the church would never grow this rapidly and we will never have received these glorious blessings of the gospel. To some people, pay our tithing could cause mistrust and disbelief to the people who have design on their money. Seeing how the church has grown and is still progressing vastly throughout the world, I have complete trust and faith that our tithe is being used in the right way by the proper authority of God. Is true that God doesn’t need money, but our tithes are essential to building His kingdom on the Earth today.

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