Follow Jesus Christ

Some of you might know that I am currently working full time and pursuing a Bachelor degree on an online university platform called BYU-Idaho. I am studying this semester a very powerful and insightful course titled “The New Testament – REL 211) which focuses on the four gospels and teaches the birth, life, ministry and Atonement of Jesus Christ. Its like reading and studying the most important biography of the most important person who lived on this Earth. Not only will I learn about Him but this course will help me learn of Him as the mortal Messiah, the Son of God and Jesus the Christ, the Holy One of God. I am excited to learn from this productive religious classes who are increasing my faith and testimony of God.

As part of this course, I have the opportunity to share what I learn every week. This is exciting because I feel guilty that I haven’t posted anything on this blog for nearly a year. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t been walking on my journey with God or learned any lessons, its just that I have taken other ways of sharing the gospel through social media. At the beginning of this year, I decided to express my gratitude for every blessing that I have in my life by posting it on social media. Every day, on Instagram and Facebook, I share a post for a specific blessing I am grateful for. As for today, I have posted more than 210 blessings and counting. That platform has allowed me to acknowledge and reflect on so many good things we have in our lives. I have many because of a loving, kind, merciful God.

Lets get to the topic for this week, shall we?

So, this week, the first week of my New Testament course I have the opportunity to share what I learned from reading Matthew 1-4, Mark 1, Luke 1-4, John 1-4, 17.

I was asked to share a principle or spiritual truth that I learn from all these scriptures. Although I love the account of the Saviour’s birth and baptism, I found a principle that it taught me so many things. Its found on Matthew chapter 4 verse 20 \” And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” The Savior, after preparing for his mission, getting baptised and receiving the Holy Ghost, went to find disciples. That’s when the verse comes to play. The Savior simply invited them to “come follow me”. I highlighted “left their nets” and “followed him” because both are actions that show how the apostles responded to the Savior’s call.

This verse made me think about the time when Jesus went around seeking for apostles. These were ordinary men who were interrupted during their daily work and given a simple yet powerful invitation to follow the Savior -no further details provided. Simply trusting this man who would change their lives if they chose to follow Him. The invitation was direct and it required action. I am amazed that these ordinary men whose lives and families relied on what they did for work, left that behind for a greater and more fulfilling purpose. God will take care of them and their families as long as they chose Him first and served faithfully when called upon. They did not have any holdbacks or second thoughts.

Knowing that following the Savior was the greatest calling in life, they were willing to sacrifice and obey. 

Social media has desecrated the word “follow” by simply accepting someone’s invitation but not we willing to truly follow them. We sometimes accept leaflets from people simply to be respectful but we are not intentional on following what they ask us for. Unfortunately, this is true with government leaders whom we voted for but are not willing to follow their counsel.

When we follow someone, in this case Jesus Christ, we promise to walk in His footsteps and never walk away.

The apostles left their nets, the only thing they knew doing in life in hope to do and become something greater. Following God is not as easy as following someone on Instagram. We commit not only to go where He has gone but to become what He is. True followers are those who know who they are following and why. It took me years to understand why I was following Jesus Christ, but I never walked away. Even when it felt like an inconvenient, difficult, painful and long journey, following Jesus is the best decision I ever made in life. Now that I think of it, whenever it was inconvenient, difficult, painful and when it seemed like a long journey, Jesus was with me by my side.

When the Savior calls, we should straightaway leave our nets and follow Him. 

I think this verse from Matthew chapter 4 taught me to be more obedient and responsive in accepting and magnifying my callings from the Lord. Following Jesus comes with a small price to pay but its the most rewarding and fulfilling thing we would ever do in this life. Because when we accept a calling, we accept the opportunity, privilege and responsibility to follow our Savior and do what He would have us do. We need to leave “our nets” behind whatever they cost or meaning they have to us, following the Savior should never become second in our life. Following Jesus comes with a small price to pay but its the most rewarding and fulfilling thing we would ever do in this life.

What nets are preventing you from following Jesus Christ?

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